Over the past 32+ years, Mangalam Travel & Tours has garnered numerous accolades and awards for our outstanding services in the travel industry. Our dedication to providing exceptional experiences and personalized attention to our clients has been recognized by esteemed organizations and industry experts. Join us on our journey as we continue to uphold our commitment to excellence in every aspect of travel. Stay tuned to discover our latest achievements and honors.
- History
- Session
Request +
Cake Params
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- paramTypenamed
- AwardAchivement(array)
Post data
No post data.
Query string
No querystring data.
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Current Route
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==== -
Sql Log +
Sql Logs
Total Time: 5 ms
Total Queries: 8 queriesQuery Affected Num. rows Took (ms) Actions SELECT `MenuLink`.`id`, `MenuLink`.`parent_id`, `MenuLink`.`lft`, `MenuLink`.`rght`, `MenuLink`.`menu_id`, `MenuLink`.`icon`, `MenuLink`.`title`, `MenuLink`.`link`, `MenuLink`.`attributes`, `MenuLink`.`active`, `MenuLink`.`created`, `MenuLink`.`modified` FROM `mangalam_travels`.`menu_links` AS `MenuLink` WHERE `MenuLink`.`menu_id` = 2 AND `MenuLink`.`active` = '1' ORDER BY `MenuLink`.`lft` ASC 0 0 0 SELECT `MenuLink`.`id`, `MenuLink`.`parent_id`, `MenuLink`.`lft`, `MenuLink`.`rght`, `MenuLink`.`menu_id`, `MenuLink`.`icon`, `MenuLink`.`title`, `MenuLink`.`link`, `MenuLink`.`attributes`, `MenuLink`.`active`, `MenuLink`.`created`, `MenuLink`.`modified` FROM `mangalam_travels`.`menu_links` AS `MenuLink` WHERE `MenuLink`.`menu_id` = 4 AND `MenuLink`.`active` = '1' ORDER BY `MenuLink`.`lft` ASC 1 1 0 SELECT `SeoModule`.`id`, `SeoModule`.`page_name`, `SeoModule`.`controller`, `SeoModule`.`action`, `SeoModule`.`link`, `SeoModule`.`page_title`, `SeoModule`.`meta_keyword`, `SeoModule`.`meta_description`, `SeoModule`.`page_url`, `SeoModule`.`active`, `SeoModule`.`created`, `SeoModule`.`modified` FROM `mangalam_travels`.`seo_modules` AS `SeoModule` WHERE `SeoModule`.`controller` = 'award_achivements' AND `SeoModule`.`action` = 'index' ORDER BY `SeoModule`.`page_name` ASC 1 1 2 maybe slow SELECT `SeoModule`.`id`, `SeoModule`.`page_name`, `SeoModule`.`controller`, `SeoModule`.`action`, `SeoModule`.`link`, `SeoModule`.`page_title`, `SeoModule`.`meta_keyword`, `SeoModule`.`meta_description`, `SeoModule`.`page_url`, `SeoModule`.`active`, `SeoModule`.`created`, `SeoModule`.`modified` FROM `mangalam_travels`.`seo_modules` AS `SeoModule` WHERE `SeoModule`.`page_url` = '' ORDER BY `SeoModule`.`page_name` ASC 1 1 1 SELECT `Service`.`id`, `Service`.`name`, `Service`.`page_slug` FROM `mangalam_travels`.`services` AS `Service` WHERE `Service`.`active` = '1' AND `Service`.`show_in_menu` = '1' ORDER BY `Service`.`display_order` ASC 7 7 1 maybe slow SELECT `SocialMedia`.`id`, `SocialMedia`.`name`, `SocialMedia`.`icon`, `SocialMedia`.`url`, `SocialMedia`.`active` FROM `mangalam_travels`.`social_medias` AS `SocialMedia` WHERE `SocialMedia`.`active` = '1' ORDER BY `SocialMedia`.`id` ASC 6 6 0 SELECT `AwardAchivement`.`id`, `AwardAchivement`.`country_id`, `AwardAchivement`.`state_id`, `AwardAchivement`.`city_id`, `AwardAchivement`.`title`, `AwardAchivement`.`slug`, `AwardAchivement`.`page_url`, `AwardAchivement`.`canonical_url`, `AwardAchivement`.`description`, `AwardAchivement`.`award_date`, `AwardAchivement`.`location`, `AwardAchivement`.`image_file`, `AwardAchivement`.`display_order`, `AwardAchivement`.`out_side_url`, `AwardAchivement`.`its_outside_url`, `AwardAchivement`.`active`, `AwardAchivement`.`created`, `AwardAchivement`.`modified` FROM `mangalam_travels`.`award_achivements` AS `AwardAchivement` WHERE `AwardAchivement`.`active` = '1' ORDER BY `AwardAchivement`.`award_date` DESC LIMIT 20 5 5 1 maybe slow SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `mangalam_travels`.`award_achivements` AS `AwardAchivement` WHERE `AwardAchivement`.`active` = '1' 1 1 0 Query Explain:
==== -
Timer +
Peak Memory Use 3.87 MB
Message Memory use Component initialization 618 KB Controller action start 1.88 MB Controller render start 1.98 MB View render complete 2.27 MB Timers
Total Request Time: 100 (ms)
Message Time in ms Graph Core Processing (Derived from $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME"]) 6.06 Event: Controller.initialize 45.07 Event: Controller.startup 0.84 Controller action 5.89 Event: Controller.beforeRender 5.26 » Processing toolbar data 5.11 Rendering View 27.46 » Event: View.beforeRender 0.03 » Rendering APP/View/AwardAchivements/index.ctp 5.73 » Event: View.afterRender 0.06 » Event: View.beforeLayout 0.02 » Rendering APP/View/Layouts/home.ctp 21.13 » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/frontendNavigationMenu.ctp 0.17 » » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/pageSeo.ctp 0.07 » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/included_modal.ctp 16.12 » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/frontendHeader.ctp 0.17 » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/frontendFooter.ctp 4.12 Event: View.afterLayout 0.00 ==== - Log
Variables +
View Variables
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- 0(array)
- AwardAchivement(array)
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- titleCertificate of Appreciation from Akasa Air of 2023
- slugcertificate-of-appreciation-from-akasa-air-of-2023
- description<p>Appreciation from Akasa Air for being part of their journey.</p>
- award_date2023-08-26
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- active(true)
- created2023-10-31 16:36:51
- modified2024-06-26 12:28:27
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- AwardAchivement(array)
- id7
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- state_id(null)
- city_id(null)
- titleThe Growth of Passenger Revenue at Vistara
- slugthe-growth-of-passenger-revenue-at-vistara
- description<p>The Invaluable Contribution Towards The Growth of Passenger Revenue.</p>
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- display_order2
- out_side_url(empty)
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- created2023-10-31 16:25:51
- modified2024-06-26 12:29:33
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- 2(array)
- AwardAchivement(array)
- id5
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- city_id(null)
- titleSingapore Airlines - Top Revenue Performer of 2022-23
- slugsingapore-airlines-top-revenue-performer-of-2022-23
- description<p>Mangalam Holidays India Pvt Ltd was delighted to receive a Certificate of Appreciation from Singapore Airlines, recognizing us as their Top Revenue Performer of 2022-23.</p>
- award_date2023-03-25
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- display_order3
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- AwardAchivement(array)
- id6
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- state_id(null)
- city_id(null)
- titleSingapore Airlines - Top Revenue Performer of 2022-23
- slugsingapore-airlines-top-revenue-performer-of-2022-23
- description<p>Mangalam Travel and Tours was delighted to receive a Certificate of Appreciation from Singapore Airlines, recognizing us as their Top Revenue Performer of 2022-23.</p>
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- display_order4
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- created2023-10-31 16:12:45
- modified2024-06-26 12:29:13
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- 4(array)
- AwardAchivement(array)
- id4
- country_id(null)
- state_id(null)
- city_id(null)
- titleSalam Air, being recognized us the Top Individual Agent 2022
- slugsalam-air-being-recognized-us-the-top-individual-agent-2022
- description<p>Mr. Jesu Amirtham, the Managing Director of Mangalam Travel and Tours, received the prestigious award for outstanding performance in 2022 from Salam Air, being recognized us the top individual agent, which is a source of great pride for him and the entire team at Mangalam Travel and Tours.</p>
- award_date2023-03-12
- location(null)
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==== - _serialize(array)
Environment +
App Constants
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Include +
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