By Super Admin
25th Oct 2023
25th Oct 2023
Japan mulls lifting ban on ride sharing amid sh....
Facing a shortage of drivers and shrinking options for transportation, the Japanese government is moving toward lifti...
By Super Admin
25th Oct 2023
25th Oct 2023
Tourist numbers hit a record high in Greece des....
The number of tourists visiting Greece has hit a record high since the start of the year, despite a heatwave and fier...
By Super Admin
24th Oct 2023
24th Oct 2023
Sri Lanka approves visa-free travel for Indians....
Sri Lanka has announced a visa-free entry initiative for visitors from India and six other countries including China,...
- History
- Session
Request +
Cake Params
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Post data
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Query string
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Current Route
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==== -
Sql Log +
Sql Logs
Total Time: 7 ms
Total Queries: 8 queriesQuery Affected Num. rows Took (ms) Actions SELECT `MenuLink`.`id`, `MenuLink`.`parent_id`, `MenuLink`.`lft`, `MenuLink`.`rght`, `MenuLink`.`menu_id`, `MenuLink`.`icon`, `MenuLink`.`title`, `MenuLink`.`link`, `MenuLink`.`attributes`, `MenuLink`.`active`, `MenuLink`.`created`, `MenuLink`.`modified` FROM `mangalam_travels`.`menu_links` AS `MenuLink` WHERE `MenuLink`.`menu_id` = 2 AND `MenuLink`.`active` = '1' ORDER BY `MenuLink`.`lft` ASC 0 0 3 maybe slow SELECT `MenuLink`.`id`, `MenuLink`.`parent_id`, `MenuLink`.`lft`, `MenuLink`.`rght`, `MenuLink`.`menu_id`, `MenuLink`.`icon`, `MenuLink`.`title`, `MenuLink`.`link`, `MenuLink`.`attributes`, `MenuLink`.`active`, `MenuLink`.`created`, `MenuLink`.`modified` FROM `mangalam_travels`.`menu_links` AS `MenuLink` WHERE `MenuLink`.`menu_id` = 4 AND `MenuLink`.`active` = '1' ORDER BY `MenuLink`.`lft` ASC 1 1 2 maybe slow SELECT `SeoModule`.`id`, `SeoModule`.`page_name`, `SeoModule`.`controller`, `SeoModule`.`action`, `SeoModule`.`link`, `SeoModule`.`page_title`, `SeoModule`.`meta_keyword`, `SeoModule`.`meta_description`, `SeoModule`.`page_url`, `SeoModule`.`active`, `SeoModule`.`created`, `SeoModule`.`modified` FROM `mangalam_travels`.`seo_modules` AS `SeoModule` WHERE `SeoModule`.`controller` = 'news' AND `SeoModule`.`action` = 'index' ORDER BY `SeoModule`.`page_name` ASC 0 0 1 maybe slow SELECT `SeoModule`.`id`, `SeoModule`.`page_name`, `SeoModule`.`controller`, `SeoModule`.`action`, `SeoModule`.`link`, `SeoModule`.`page_title`, `SeoModule`.`meta_keyword`, `SeoModule`.`meta_description`, `SeoModule`.`page_url`, `SeoModule`.`active`, `SeoModule`.`created`, `SeoModule`.`modified` FROM `mangalam_travels`.`seo_modules` AS `SeoModule` WHERE `SeoModule`.`page_url` = '' ORDER BY `SeoModule`.`page_name` ASC 0 0 0 SELECT `Service`.`id`, `Service`.`name`, `Service`.`page_slug` FROM `mangalam_travels`.`services` AS `Service` WHERE `Service`.`active` = '1' AND `Service`.`show_in_menu` = '1' ORDER BY `Service`.`display_order` ASC 7 7 0 SELECT `SocialMedia`.`id`, `SocialMedia`.`name`, `SocialMedia`.`icon`, `SocialMedia`.`url`, `SocialMedia`.`active` FROM `mangalam_travels`.`social_medias` AS `SocialMedia` WHERE `SocialMedia`.`active` = '1' ORDER BY `SocialMedia`.`id` ASC 6 6 0 SELECT `News`.`id`, `News`.`user_id`, `News`.`date`, `News`.`headline`, `News`.`image_file`, `News`.`video_link`, `News`.`news_details`, `News`.`source_link`, `News`.`active`, `News`.`created`, `News`.`modified`, `User`.`id`, `User`.`role_id`, `User`.`salutation_id`, `User`.`client_type_id`, `User`.`first_name`, `User`.`last_name`, `User`.`name`, `User`.`username`, `User`.`password`, `User`.`dob`, `User`.`email`, `User`.`phone_calling_code`, `User`.`contact_no`, `User`.`gst_no`, `User`.`company_name`, `User`.`customer_add`, `User`.`emergency_contact_no`, `User`.`past_experiance`, `User`.`upload_file`, `User`.`country_id`, `User`.`state_id`, `User`.`location_id`, `User`.`timezone_id`, `User`.`agree_terms`, `User`.`active`, `User`.`created`, `User`.`modified`, `User`.`login_status` FROM `mangalam_travels`.`news` AS `News` LEFT JOIN `mangalam_travels`.`users` AS `User` ON (`News`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) WHERE `News`.`active` = '1' ORDER BY `News`.`date` DESC LIMIT 20 3 3 1 maybe slow SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `mangalam_travels`.`news` AS `News` LEFT JOIN `mangalam_travels`.`users` AS `User` ON (`News`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) WHERE `News`.`active` = '1' 1 1 0 Query Explain:
==== -
Timer +
Peak Memory Use 3.97 MB
Message Memory use Component initialization 618 KB Controller action start 1.87 MB Controller render start 2.01 MB View render complete 2.36 MB Timers
Total Request Time: 119 (ms)
Message Time in ms Graph Core Processing (Derived from $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME"]) 9.41 Event: Controller.initialize 54.94 Event: Controller.startup 0.66 Controller action 8.99 Event: Controller.beforeRender 3.90 » Processing toolbar data 3.79 Rendering View 33.29 » Event: View.beforeRender 0.03 » Rendering APP/View/News/index.ctp 12.75 » Event: View.afterRender 0.06 » Event: View.beforeLayout 0.02 » Rendering APP/View/Layouts/home.ctp 18.52 » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/frontendNavigationMenu.ctp 0.22 » » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/pageSeo.ctp 0.07 » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/included_modal.ctp 14.25 » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/frontendHeader.ctp 0.14 » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/frontendFooter.ctp 3.40 Event: View.afterLayout 0.00 ==== - Log
Variables +
View Variables
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- news_details<p>Facing a shortage of drivers and shrinking options for transportation, the Japanese government is moving toward lifting its ban on ride sharing, a move that could open the door for Uber Technologies Inc. and its rivals to expand services.</p>
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- video_link(empty)
- news_details<p>The number of tourists visiting Greece has hit a record high since the start of the year, despite a heatwave and fierce wildfires over the summer, according to official statistics released Monday. From January to the end of August.. </p>
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- created2023-10-25 00:57:46
- modified2024-01-17 13:09:21
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- news_details<p>Sri Lanka has announced a visa-free entry initiative for visitors from India and six other countries including China, Russia, Malaysia, Japan, Indonesia and Thailand. This move opens up exciting possibilities for seamless travel between the two neighbouring countries.</p>
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==== - _serialize(array)
Environment +
App Constants
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